Highest Rated Comments

maubog1 karma

Thanks for the fast reply! I've always been eager to be in the army ever since I can remember. I loved reading/watching about the feats that men/Soldiers can do and it has inspired me to try and be one of those men.

maubog1 karma

I am 18 Year old male and will be applying for the Australian Army by the end of January. My question is

Am I making a bad decision by joining the army?

Hobbies: Computer Gaming, Swimming, Recreational shooting, Gym with friends and love to camp and do hiking.

maubog1 karma

Thanks mate! I wish you luck with your dream career too!

maubog1 karma

Have an up vote good sir! You made me laugh.

maubog1 karma

Go look at health jobs as an orderly, TA assistant or cleaner/food transporter. They hire a lot of people of all ages on a flat rate salary.