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mblitek286 karma

Quad here, I can show you what I use to access my computer, play games, lights etc if need be?

mblitek144 karma

Okay so I forgot to check in and answer but here it goes.

After my accident I found Systems Design Engineering pretty hard not being able to write things down & what not so I decided to switch to investing and day trading. But anyways here's what I use:

Mouse - HeadMouse Extreme

Switch - SCATIR Switch connected to HeadMouse, I blink/twitch it clicks

Onscreen Keyboard - KeyStrokes for Windows I use the built in one

Voice Dictation - Dragon NaturallySpeaking

Videogames - I custom made my own mouth controller but pictured here

I also have a laptop & iPad mount made by these guys ideasFIL who I know personally.

I go here for physio Aim2Walk

I tried to keep this as short as possible but I'll answer any questions too. This is me by the way

mblitek2 karma

I don't know if you'll get to this but here it goes:

Do you think there will ever be peace in Somali & other African countries? It seems that warring factions are now just an inherent part of "them." My Dad was a C-130 Captain and used to fly aid in all the time. All he has are stories of hopelessness & atrocities. It's easy to see why he's jaded. And that was in the late 60s early 70s. It seems nothing has changed in ~50years?


mblitek1 karma

Do you ever get scared/depressed at the current situations? I know that after I watch certain documentaries I get a sicky feeling that the World is going to sh!t and there's nothing I can do about it. Even worse, I imagine the what ifs of that situation ever spreading. Thoughts?

mblitek1 karma

Thanks for the reply because it's something I like reading about but could never do. Also, I randomly stumbled upon this thread and didn't know who you are - I'm Canadian and don't get N.P.R. So I have since looked you up and like your stuff, keep it up!