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meat_trumpet99 karma

Journalist here. It's also about being forced to read something. No matter what the agenda is, being forced to publish anything goes against journalistic ethics to the core. Also these long-time anchors in these markets had to read a statement against fake news, while anchoring shows featuring must-runs that are literal fake news.

And for those who say, why not quit? Contracts require 1/3rd of your annual salary (we don't make a lot of money, walmart is catching up to our hourly wages) to quit. Most also have timed non-compete clauses. That means you either move to work in another market, or wait months if not years to maybe get hired at another station in the same market.

TV news contracts are so laughably one sided. The wages are just laughable. You pay to quit (impossible). If you somehow do, you pretty much can't work unless you uproot your life. And they can just fire you at anytime without cause. Seen kids out of college get fired during a probationary period (just not cut out for it). 3 months into a 12 month apartment lease, and spent a ton of money just to move there. Lives ruined.

So you're forced to stay. I once had a contract lawyer look over mine before and he likened it to corporate slavery.

meat_trumpet24 karma

The industry keeps salaries low too, yet the companies are doing amazing. This means only people with limited experience will accept these positions. I've seen countless stations go from being a 2nd or 3rd job for a reporter, to hiring kids with no experience straight from college.

It's and even worse story for producers. There's so few out there with experience, and any with experience won't work for $15 an hour. I saw one station just start hiring anyone with any sort of communications degree for the position. Then attempting to teach them news judgement and how to write.

meat_trumpet12 karma

seriously. I'm at least glad this storm will give me a 13 hour shift tomorrow so that I can afford to pay my bills.

meat_trumpet12 karma

They can even extend the probation period indefinitely if they want to. At smaller stations it's even worse. I was getting paid $13 an hour about 7 years ago as a producer. Quit because I couldn't afford anything, and The grocery store literally had better pay and benefits to be a cashier. No one since has lasted in the position more than 6 months. Salary is still the exact same. I know rent in that area doubled in that amount of time too.

meat_trumpet7 karma

as someone going in tomorrow to work an extra long shift covering the storm. No we do not. However my staff is paid hourly so we are getting paid more for being there longer. Plus they are over time hours for the most part. And it's kinda fun for us, something big is going on.