Highest Rated Comments

mehughes12473 karma

That's not really the answer I think he was looking for. Skepticism is only natural when dealing with unproven technologies. A better way to phrase it would have been, "I'm obviously not a prospective investor, but if I were, what sort of information would you show me to help convince me that your company is worth investing in?"

mehughes12419 karma

As a follow-on to this: do you see a rise in piracy in the sea lanes with US absence? And thus, a growth in anti-piracy measures (drones, private security, etc.)? And isn't that really just a new form of tax on global commerce? Or is it more likely we'll see nationally sponsored piracy that is more about clandestine destruction of competing assets (e.g. sinking of Iranian oil ships, etc?)

mehughes12414 karma

Hi Eunice! Welcome to the United States! Thanks for taking the time to come talk with us.

You're a very confident public speaker. Where did you learn to speak so eloquently and passionately in front of large crowds like that?

Do you have a role model?

What's been your favorite moment in your visit to New York so far?

mehughes12413 karma

What do you mean, "if you're not mistaken"? Shouldn't you kind of have that sort of knowledge on lock?

mehughes1245 karma

What do you say to the criticism that increasing cpu power (even exponential increase) doesn't mean that humans have the capability of writing the software necessary for a singularity-type event to occur?