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melten7741 karma

From what I observed, they really didn't have any exposure to much American pop culture or anything like that(except for Justin Bieber, I cringed when they said her name), they had american sitcoms dubbed over with portuguese, but other than that the channels were brazilian.

melten7737 karma

The scariest thing really was just the fear that something could happen to you at any time. I think probably the scariest thing though was waking up in my hammock in the middle of the night and shining my flashlight into the forest and seeing a pair of glowing orange eyes staring back at me. Also, at night if you shine a light over the river, you can see like 30 pairs of Caiman(alligator) eyes glowing, which was pretty unsettling.

melten7731 karma

It was pretty difficult to get over that actually, the jungle is an eerie fucking animal symphony at night, and nighttime is when all the predators are out and about. The hardest was when we were sleeping in hammocks because you feel incredibly exposed, all that's between you and the forest is a bug net and you're just hanging a couple feet off the ground. But you gotta sleep so you man up and get over it, and after a while it becomes almost soothing once you convince yourself that you're safe

melten7727 karma

Chlorine for water sanitation was definitely one of the most necessary tools, as we took drinking water straight from the river which is loaded with parasites and harmful bacteria. My knife was also incredibly useful for a wide range of tasks, from chopping up vegetables for dinner to toe-nail cleaning... Soap was also pertinent for protecting from disease and infection, bathing twice a day was mandatory for this reason.

melten7725 karma

I think the tailless whip scorpion was the strangest, of the bugs at least. http://imgur.com/CRdbCNn