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mes09610 karma

Edit: Chelmo's [Omlech's] awesome compilation of all Q+As! We'll be updating and organizing it as the day goes on

A big THANK YOU to Mike and everyone at ArenaNet for the AmA and all of their continuing communication with the fans. You can probably tell from those beta numbers how much we're all (and that's a lot of alls) a little excited for the game!

OMG Beta signups

These are some questions compiled from /r/guildwars2. And some answers! Isn't Mike Awesome?

Server, technical, and general questions

  1. You mentioned visiting other worlds in the blog post, is this for PvE content or just PvP content? Could someone on one server ask friends from another world for help with an event? Some clarification

  2. Can you only join guilds on your home server?

  3. Will server change fees be cash or in game currency? Answered

  4. Can you switch between regions on one account (EU to USA etc)? Answer 1 Answer 2

  5. Are you able to share more on the server structure and network backbone yet? Any possibility for EU to play with USA but still have optimal latency? *Effect Lag Answered *

  6. Is there any in game support for voice chat? No

  7. Can you queue and enter your server’s WvW from an overflow server? Answer

  8. Will there be WvW on overflow servers? Answered

  9. What kind of name recognition will there be between worlds? Are names reserved across worlds? Unknown


  1. Will there be personal (unique) rewards from WvW? E.g. titles, skills, traits, gear, etc. Answered Clarification

  2. Is it actually viable to level up by only participating in WvW or will it be significantly slower compared to PvE? Do we need to leave the Mists to complete skill challenges to unlock utility skills and traits? Answer1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Answer 5

  3. Does the winning server get additional bonuses at the end of the 2 weeks? Answer

  4. How long do bonuses last? Answer

  5. Will there be ways to see which characters and guilds are doing the best in WvW? Will we get to see the ranking ladders? Answer1 Answer 2

WvW Command and Tactics

  1. Are maps for each world the same in WvW? If not, will there be a map rotation? Answered

  2. What formal game functionality will there be for Command and Control in WvW? Things like parties forming into warbands, and WvW chat and command chat, and some way of designating leaders of warbands, and an overall leader. And what other kinds of organization tools are there in WvW? Answer 1 Answer 2 Relevant Answer 3 Answer 4

  3. Any info on the iOS/Android apps that will related to WvW? Unknown

  4. How does vision work on the battle map? Does a player from that server need to be present for vision of a fight occurring or is it universal? Answer 1 Answer 2

  5. Will enemy names show up in WvW? Will there be kill spam/death spam? Answer1 Answer 2

  6. Are there limits to obtaining certain types of equipment you receive from supply? For example could a server slowly stockpile siege golems in a base until they have one for everyone? Answer

  7. Can siege weapons be moved? Are there any range indicators on siege weapons so we can build them at optimal range (and on other abilities for that matter)? Answered

  8. Internally, what tactics were more common when testing WvWvW? Answer

DAOC questions Answered

  1. Has there been any consideration of the group vs. group sub-game in WvW? 8v8 was very popular in DAoC. Groups of 8 skilled, well-coordinated people ran around fighting other such groups. They also fought larger groups of less coordinated people.

  2. Any plans to implement something similar to Darkness Falls (a large open pvp area that has mostly pve content, and can be locked for your own pilfering by success in the RvR overworld)?

  3. In DAoC a cool aspect of RvR was the ability of someone with high Stealth to climb walls. Is there going to be a similar skill for say, a Thief, to infiltrate WvW structures and harass/gather information? Stonemist for example looks big enough for this to be really viable.

mes0937 karma

Thank you so much! The whole AMA is beyond awesome, we're so grateful for all the clarification.