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mider-span641 karma

so does that mean you could get pregnant twice, by 2 guys?

mider-span3 karma

Danny, is Anders really your cousin or is he a total bullshitter?

mider-span3 karma

I am a PACU nurse. Post op patients (depending on the type of surgery) will have a whole host of medications ordered both IV and oral (sometimes epidural/spinal). The idea being different meds from different families will work on different pain receptors. With that being said the top meds we (where I work, different hospitals might have different protocols) give are fentanyl, morphine, dilauded, IV Tylenol, Vicodin, Tylenol #3 and Percocet.

mider-span2 karma

Anecdotally, yes. I am a neuro/ortho nurse but my wife is a mother/baby nurse. She says that there are more babies born or that more "once in a a while things" like triplets or I didn't know I was pregnant things going on. Oh my unit, again anecdotally, we tend to see in increase in older people with dementia falling, breaking a bone and requiring hospitalization.

mider-span2 karma

Me too! Pretty much the best fast food breakfast item!