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migzors42 karma

I love Discovery! I have a couple of questions for you!

1) Does Bear Grylls know about the whole "I drink my own piss" meme? How does he feel about that?

2) What is the absolute best story you can give about during your time with Discovery Channel?

EDIT: 3) Also, while filming American Chopper, does it ever get extremely awkward whenever family trouble or issues are playing out before your eyes?

migzors18 karma

Hey sir or ma'am, former Comcast employee here. I worked for Comcast as a Door to Door representative, and fingers get pointed in all sorts of directions. However in the line of work I was in, you could feel the heat of rage and anger we get from customers. Co-workers have had guns pulled on them and threatened with physical violence. Every level of Comcast employee goes through bullshit.

However, as someone who also worked for Dish Network as a tech rep ..the phone calls quickly become mind numbing. Day after day, answering those calls with problem after problem. Some days it's bearable, however it's the days after you realize that the job is rubbing you the wrong way that really make the position horrible.

Get out while you can, because that job will burn you the hell out.

migzors17 karma

After winning the contest, and completing the toy run, how were you treated in school after the fact? You had to be a pretty big deal! Grabbed a bunch of toys, were on TV, everyone loved Nickelodeon as a kid! When did the excitement and your celebrity wear off?

migzors2 karma

How did the concept of making the turtles different heights and characteristics come about? I think it was probably the best thing to happen to the turtles since their creation. Now it is not only the color of their eye masks that separate them, it's their unique look as well. Great job on that TMNT team.

migzors2 karma

Gentlemen, your show is funny as SHIT. I was hoping that while the debate was going on, you guys would do a live simulcast with Luther, Obama's anger translator. Keep it up!