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mikeosteenstra20 karma

Is this where the idea of Project Badass came from?

mikeosteenstra17 karma

Would you rather have bedbugs in your apartment for life or herpes?

mikeosteenstra6 karma

I thought it was super funny.

mikeosteenstra2 karma

Shaq, are you answering any questions? If so, can you give us a funny Stan Van Gundy story?

mikeosteenstra2 karma

Hey Ari! I'm a huge fan of the pod. Interesting topics and guests and your intros are always entertaining. Because of the podcast, I know that you're in to skiing (or snowboarding?) and you seem to make a point to go somewhere cool each season. I make a yearly trip from Rockville, MD (oh yeah, I live near where you grew up) to Vail/Breck/Keystone but am curious to hear what your favorite mountains are and what kind of riding you're into (trees/bowls...). Also, do you have any places you go to on the East Coast? I'm a big fan of Jay Peak up in Vermont and think it's well worth the trip.