Highest Rated Comments

millerberry13 karma

Hi, I'm Helena Miller, one of the plaintiffs in the case. I'm happy to answer any questions anyone has.

millerberry5 karma

Our greatest personal interest in joining this lawsuit has to do with our daughter Zivah. She's only 6 weeks old now, but we hope that, through this court case, by the time she understands what marriage is and what family is, she'll only know our family to be the same as any other family in Pennsylvania, and her moms' marriage will be considered just like any other marriage.

In general, we joined because we considered it an honor and a privilege to get to be involved in something that could have historic repercussions regarding marriage equality. We are excited to do anything we can to help make all marriages between two loving adults be respected and honored.

millerberry1 karma

Will be happy to answer in a minute. Just finishing feeding my baby!

millerberry1 karma


Thank you so much!

millerberry1 karma

Haha! Thanks!