Highest Rated Comments

mindlessidiots72 karma

"let me be clear, I definitely did not throw up on my couch about it so please so, uh, stop in insinuating that I did."

mindlessidiots12 karma

If I may, I want to quote an article a friend of mine wrote about cracked (here is the link: http://jaythenerdkid.wordpress.com/2013/11/05/an-open-letter-to-my-favourite-humour-website-in-the-world/)

"There are loads of things I love about you. Obviously, the dick jokes rank near the top, along with all the titties. But I also love that you manage to deploy humour the way it’s meant to be used: pointing upwards. You don’t take cheap shots at people of colour, you don’t mock the disabled, and you’re actually pretty damn feminist for a website run mostly by dudes. I have found better feminism in some of your timeless list-based humour than I have on websites run by actual self-proclaimed feminists. That’s pretty freaking impressive. You really get it, you know? You get that jokes are funnier, cleverer and about ten thousand times less douche-y when they challenge the status quo. If we could lock Daniel Tosh in a room with all of you and not let him come out for a month, I think he might actually emerge as a half-decent comedian."

So my question for you guys is, why are you guys so great when it comes to social issues? I have been able to use Cracked articles of several classes, one of them was a class about the ethics of poverty (I used John Cheese's articles about his experience being poor). Does Cracked do all these articles and videos just because your writers want too or is there more to it? Once again thank you for these articles, the humor you guys use to address these things are very effective and helped me understand a lot of things better.

I do want to say though, the friend I am quoting does wish if you could not use as many hooker jokes and the term retarded, but there is up to you guys.

mindlessidiots5 karma

It's probably too late for you to respond to this, but I was wondering if I could hear your opinion about how well you think the United States and the EU have responded to this crisis. I'm a student studying political science in the United States and we have been talking about this since it started. My professor posted this article by John Mearsheimer, a very well known authority on international relations:http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/14/opinion/getting-ukraine-wrong.html. The article basically says that the US and the EU are responsible for causing Russia to intervene in Crimea, and that we should have known that they would have responded to such a threat to there interests by ensuring control of Crimea and possibly other actions. What do you think of this article and do you think the West has helped Ukrain in these protests and what would be your response to claims that there is little that the West could do to stop what Russia is doing?

Lastly, thank you for taking the time to respond to this, it's always good to hear the thoughts of people who are actually there.

mindlessidiots3 karma

thank you very much for the reply Cody.

mindlessidiots1 karma

I just read that the president of Iraq recommended a new candidate for Prime Minister instead of Maliki. It seems like support for him is dwindling, in your personal opinion do you think he will be replaced, and if so will it help or hinder Iraq?