Highest Rated Comments

mindmountain5 karma

Have you read 'Full Tilt' by Dervla Murphy? She cycled from Ireland to India.

mindmountain4 karma

There is an Italian film called 'The Great Beauty' , I recommend it for you.

mindmountain3 karma

Do you think that youtubers sacrifice content for frequency. I'm a fan of a channel which has brilliant individual episodes but they have started doing videos every day and they are spreading themselves thin. Is posting everyday just a cynical attempt to get more money?

mindmountain2 karma

Why does eating local honey help ease hayfever?

Do you find that honey helps you sleep?

I was reading a fascinating book on holiday about bee keeping in ancient greece but I can't remember the title.

mindmountain1 karma

What's with all the Al Jazeera journalists coming here? Are you looking for new jobs?