Highest Rated Comments

mko09878 karma

Hey I just wanted to say that I love all of you guys and have been following your videos, projects, kickstarters, etc. since Robodog era. I'm a film student myself and I understand "the hustle" can be tough in terms of getting stuff seen (especially features) and securing distribution deals.

My question is, what can fans like myself do to help you guys make sure that DBPM3 is seen by as many people as possible on this god-given earth? Is there anything other than sharing on social media and talking to friends that we could do to support you in spreading around the movie?

Essentially I just want to see DBPM3 playing at every single drive-in, drive-thru, and late-night adult theater across America.

mko09871 karma

Thanks for the reply! I'm a fan of the bold as well, really gets the point across haha.

Ayy yeah, online distribution seems to only get more convoluted and difficult as time goes on. I'll just keep on trucking with word-of-mouth then! I have scores of friends who are definitely into VHS David Wain-by-way-of-Zucker-Brothers type dealios so I'll continue to bug them to check it out and show their friends.

mko09871 karma

Thanks for the reply! Glad to hear you guys are using Tugg, I'll definitely share that around and try to get you guys some traction in the New York area once you're up on there!

mko09871 karma

such an incredible soundtrack, "House of Woodcock" floored me when it appeared in the movie and now I can't stop listening to it.

mko09871 karma

What's your favorite question you've ever been asked in one of these Q&As (live, press, or AMA), and what was the answer?

World of Tomorrow 2 is absolutely wonderful by the way, expanded upon the original in so many beautiful, funny, and insightful ways. Also the animation is just insanely gorgeous.