Highest Rated Comments

mkultra5000046 karma

Could this be the cause of, or perhaps the result of, an exodus of men from television. I have no evidence that an exodus does exist, but i myself do not watch TV and most of my male friends do not as well.

mkultra5000011 karma

well, walmart is number one so go figure.

mkultra500003 karma

I agree. And we should shoot any parent who lets their kids get hands on guns for illegal purposes. That should be legal.

mkultra500003 karma

How close are we to locating the genes responsible for Duchennes and once we have them identified how likely are you to attempt to engage in pre-approved CRISPR modification therapy such as what has been done with Liz Parish?

mkultra500002 karma

I assumed. But much props to you for answering a sarcastic comment. Good luck and stay strong.