Highest Rated Comments

mman45434 karma

About what percentage of your clients (that you know of) have had a previous DUI?

mman4545 karma

Are cave-ins something you have to worry about when digging a grave. How would you prevent them? Have you or anyone you work with ever had a hole cave in while you or someone else (alive) was in it?

mman4542 karma

Sorry if it's already been asked but what happens after you drop them and their car off at their house? Do you have a second driver follow in their own car to pick you up for the next job?

mman4542 karma

Here you mentioned having a firearm safety endorsement. What type of guns do you shoot and how do you adapt to be able to handle them? Also do you think that your situation makes it any more challenging for you to be able to safely handle a loaded firearm if one was just handed to you?