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modelanswers226 karma

It's a good question, and I thought about that while I was posting this AMA actually. I think it's that, I only model for classes where I am confident the students are going to be mature and purely interested for artistic reasons. The tutor that I most often work with is also very protective and would bar anyone who didn't behave respectfully. On the other hand, if I post on the internet, anyone could look at me nude at any time for any reason. I guess I like to have some control over who sees these images.

modelanswers106 karma

I have a good one actually! One of the classes I model for is in a community centre with multiple function rooms. On this particular day, there was a group of old people having a tea party in the next room. At one point during the class, an elderly couple burst through the door. The bloke strode in, calling back to his wife "I think it's here. Come on, we'll be late." The lady had already spotted me and the students, and she was sheepishly saying "Oh, no Harrold. I don't think this is the place. We should check the other room". But he wasn't having it and just kept nagging his wife to catch up. The teacher chased the bloke around the room and coaxed him out but I could swear he never once clocked that he had walked into an art class.

modelanswers102 karma

Thanks for the insightful questions! I didn't have any training at all. I attended life drawing classes as a student for some time as my day job is illustration. My art teacher asked me one day if I would consider modeling as she thought I would be good at it. I said sure, and ended up modelling for various classes from there. The longest I have had to stay still without moving at all is about 2 hours. But the longest single pose I have modelled is 5 hours, with breaks for the toilet and water. The teacher drew around me in chalk to help me get back into position.

The pressure is mainly physical. It is surprisingly exhausting to stay absolutely still, as it takes concentration to not make the slightest movement. Also, choosing the wrong pose can be dangerous to your health! The first time I modeled, I chose a pose with my head twisted over my shoulder, and I fainted after 15 minutes due to lack of blood flow! Fortunately, it was a class of fairly chill retirees, just drawing for a hobby, so they were patient with me. I also once leaned on my hand for a 40 minute pose, and pinched my ulna nerve. My pinkie and ring finger were numb for months!

The environment is usually quiet and fairly formal. Some classes will put some music on in the background, which is a blessing. Most are just silent rooms full of people and a teacher who goes around to critique the drawings.

modelanswers77 karma

This absolutely.

modelanswers65 karma

Modelling is actually just a side job for me, although I know several people who do it full time. I work full time as an illustrator so that's how I mostly pay the bills. But there's no upper age limit on modelling for life drawing. The oldest model I have drawn as a student was 85 so I only need to stop if I get sick of it.