Highest Rated Comments

moephan148 karma


moephan100 karma

haha! This is sooo not his style. To be honest, considering his financial situation, I find him astonishingly, sorry to say it this way, "down to earth".

moephan96 karma

Yes, if you send $5 I will send you a free copy/

moephan83 karma

The differences between the environments could not be bigger. On the whole, I find Canonical engineering staff to be smarter than Microsoft engineers. Canonical engineers are, as a group, the most humble group of engineers I've ever encountered. Microsoft thrives on conflict, Canonical thrives on mutual support.

The Ubuntu Engineering team is a home-based work force, so my office is small indeed (part of my bedroom)! :) Working from home is much different than working in an office, in ways that would take too long to go into.

moephan79 karma

I think that people are used to Windows and there are misperceptions that Linux based systems are harder to use.

For example, you don't, in fact, need to use the terminal in Ubuntu to do normal things. There are GUI ways to do anything. Similarly, there are some tasks on Windows that require their command line. I think Ubuntu is easier to use than Windows.

I also think that Microsoft and Apple have marketing budgets that are orders of magnitude larger than Canonical's entire budget.