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moistchew10 karma

this is why nothing can happen with out higher education reform.

moistchew4 karma

isn't the first rule of flight club "dont talk about flight club"?

moistchew3 karma

i have been putting my payments aside since they put "everyone" on interest free forbearance. in case something like that happens. if september comes and goes without anything happening, i have a little chunk of change (and hopefully made a little money on the side by investing it) i can throw at my loans at the end of the year. if any or all of it gets forgiven, i wont feel bad about taking it. my payments have added up to what i owed (without interest.) i probably would have been paid off a long time ago if--when money was tight--they offered to do something other than a forbearance that basically doubled what i owed when they capitalized the interest.

as much as i would welcome being able to put my money towards my family and into the economy again, forgiving everyones student loans cannot come without a lot of higher education reform. bare minimum we need to slash the interest rates on federal loans.

moistchew3 karma

much like when you buy something and it goes on sale years later, you are SOL. but at least you got to enjoy spending money on whatever you wanted since then.

moistchew1 karma

yes, loans are mandatory. unless you are rich. and what they dont tell you is that when school ends and payments begin, you will not have enough money to pay your loans back. so when you call your loan provider for options, they push you towards a forbearance. on this forbearance, the juice keeps running. then at the end of each month they capitalize that interest and add it to your loan. before you know it you own double, triple or even quadruple the amount you borrowed. add this to the insanely high interest rates, and you get to where we are now.