Highest Rated Comments

monkeyvselephant306 karma

He has a pet octopus, but nmets2190 probably meant his penis.

monkeyvselephant33 karma

are you running memcache on EC2 or using elastic cache? followup... if you are using ec2, what was the driving force for that decision... if you are using elasticcache, how has the service layer treated you?

monkeyvselephant15 karma

Grab a bottle of whiskey and watch Leaving Las Vegas by yourself.

monkeyvselephant3 karma

fellow on-call ops engineer. how often are you paged during off-hours? with 3 people, I'm assuming you guys do one week rotations? Do you feel it hampers your work-life balance?

monkeyvselephant2 karma

especially the value in building their own shuttles ... I'm kind of annoyed that building shuttles is contracted out privately.

Do you just mean the design? Haven't private contractors been building the actual shuttles/rockets/equipment since well... NASA started?