Highest Rated Comments

mrbriancomputer47 karma

Well that is certainly interesting, I have never heard that side before. Surely I will bring it up with my pastor.

Edit: I'm sorry, that was a joke.

mrbriancomputer46 karma

What do you think about when you are standing for hours?

mrbriancomputer36 karma

I like basic rock type stuff. I dig Classic Rock though. My band has done a few classic rock covers. My favorite bands are probably Brand New, Modest Mouse, Bright Eyes, and The Strokes.

mrbriancomputer35 karma

Do you dread the boredom? I know I get bored just sitting in class and having to think. If you could surf reddit while you stood with your eyes, would you?

mrbriancomputer28 karma

That's sort of like torture. What kind of music do you like?