Highest Rated Comments

mrhuggables98 karma

I posted this last time, though no response because it was buried under a mountain of pretty irrelevant comments. Hopefully this time I can get a well thought out response.

درود آقا , خیلی پرسشها دارم

1) Can you name a current regime or government in the world which you feel is a model for what would be your government if elected?

2) What are your opinions on the current civil war in Syria and the influx of foreign militants coming from the Arabian peninsula? How about on the situations in Egypt, specifically regarding Mr. Morsi's current political actions and policies?

3) On the same note, do you feel as if the Western-backed regimes in the peninsula such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, etc. are problematic for peace in the Middle East? Why or why not?

4) How would you strengthen the relationship of Iran with it's NON-Arab neighbors, especially Afghanistan? do you feel the current regime is focusing too much on it's enmity with the West and Israel and not enough on strengthening ties with it's cultural neighbors in Central and South Asia?

5) Do you feel as if the imprisonment and executions of the Mujahideen and other Islamic-Marxists were just? Do you consider the Mujahideen and their ilk to be terrorists?

6) Given the choice between freedom of speech & press or Economic Growth and prosperity for Iran, which would you choose?

7) Do you feel that if the Shah were still in power today, that Iran would be better off than under the Islamic Republic?

8) Do you feel that the bazaarian have too much power and influence in Iran today? If so, how what would you do to curb this influence?

9) How would you combat corruption? How would you combat the rising substance abuse and prostitution rates in Iran? How would you restore the relative economic stability that Iran experienced during the Pahlavi regime?

10) What can you tell an expatriate Iranian who feels as if his country, culture, and history has been ruined by the corruption and hypocrisy of the Islamic Regime?

mrhuggables27 karma

درود آقا , خیلی پرسشها دارم

1) Can you name a current regime or government in the world which you feel is a model for what would be your government if elected?

2) What are your opinions on the current civil war in Syria and the influx of foreign militants coming from the Arabian peninsula? How about on the situations in Egypt, specifically regarding Mr. Morsi's current political actions and policies?

3) On the same note, do you feel as if the Western-backed regimes in the peninsula such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, etc. are problematic for peace in the Middle East? Why or why not?

4) How would you strengthen the relationship of Iran with it's NON-Arab neighbors, especially Afghanistan? do you feel the current regime is focusing too much on it's enmity with the West and Israel and not enough on strengthening ties with it's cultural neighbors in Central and South Asia?

5) Do you feel as if the imprisonment and executions of the Mujahideen and other Islamic-Marxists were just? Do you consider the Mujahideen and their ilk to be terrorists?

6) Given the choice between freedom of speech & press or Economic Growth and prosperity for Iran, which would you choose?

7) Do you feel that if the Shah were still in power today, that Iran would be better off than under the Islamic Republic?

8) Do you feel that the bazaarian have too much power and influence in Iran today? If so, how what would you do to curb this influence?

9) How would you combat corruption? How would you combat the rising substance abuse and prostitution rates in Iran? How would you restore the economic stability that Iran experienced during the Pahlavi regime?

10) What can you tell an expatriate Iranian who feels as if his country, culture, and history has been ruined by the corruption and hypocrisy of the Islamic Regime?

خیلی سپاسگزارم برای جوابهای شما

*اگر بخواهید به فارسی تایپ کنم مشکل نیست

mrhuggables25 karma

I posted this last time, though no response because it was buried under a mountain of pretty irrelevant comments. Hopefully this time I can get a well thought out response.

درود آقا , خیلی پرسشها دارم

1) Can you name a current regime or government in the world which you feel is a model for what would be your government if elected?

2) What are your opinions on the current civil war in Syria and the influx of foreign militants coming from the Arabian peninsula? How about on the situations in Egypt, specifically regarding Mr. Morsi's current political actions and policies?

3) On the same note, do you feel as if the Western-backed regimes in the peninsula such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, etc. are problematic for peace in the Middle East? Why or why not?

4) How would you strengthen the relationship of Iran with it's NON-Arab neighbors, especially Afghanistan? do you feel the current regime is focusing too much on it's enmity with the West and Israel and not enough on strengthening ties with it's cultural neighbors in Central and South Asia?

5) Do you feel as if the imprisonment and executions of the Mujahideen and other Islamic-Marxists were just? Do you consider the Mujahideen and their ilk to be terrorists?

6) Given the choice between freedom of speech & press or Economic Growth and prosperity for Iran, which would you choose?

7) Do you feel that if the Shah were still in power today, that Iran would be better off than under the Islamic Republic?

8) Do you feel that the bazaarian have too much power and influence in Iran today? If so, how what would you do to curb this influence?

9) How would you combat corruption? How would you combat the rising substance abuse and prostitution rates in Iran? How would you restore the relative economic stability that Iran experienced during the Pahlavi regime?

10) What can you tell an expatriate Iranian who feels as if his country, culture, and history has been ruined by the corruption and hypocrisy of the Islamic Regime?

خیلی سپاسگزارم برای جوابهای شما

mrhuggables23 karma

What's wrong with criticism? Should immigrants not be allowed to criticize their host nations? Breaking the law is one thing but if they remain lawful citizens why should they not criticize if there is indeed a problem?

mrhuggables23 karma

Man, talk about a loaded question...