Highest Rated Comments

mrkrabz199177 karma

Apparently he totaled a Ferrari in a race, then asked to borrow his friends Ferrari in order to finish the race. I'm not joking.


mrkrabz199172 karma

Stating in your AMA title that your music could one day replace ADHD meds without any scientific backing whatsoever is pretty irresponsible and basically clickbate. Not good PR.

mrkrabz199124 karma

If an meteorite (similar to the one that recently hit Russia) was headed towards Time Square or Washington D.C., how much time would you need to deflect it? What could be done about it? Does NASA or the government have any current contingency plans for this?

mrkrabz199118 karma

I didn't vote for Putin in the last election, though.

Welp boys, that's the last we'll ever hear of Dmitry

mrkrabz199115 karma

Posts about not being a bigot on an account named "mrgirl" and with a previous history of derogatory and violent posts.... Bold move.

How's the AMA working out for ya bud?