Highest Rated Comments

mrmessiah51 karma

No question, just wanted to say thanks for your excellent Voyager Mini flash drives in the rubberised slide-out shell? I'm terrible with backup discipline and realised I had all my recent work, a bunch of music ideas and important notes on the one I carry around in my jeans pocket... which had just gone through the wash. A night under the hot water tank to dry it out and it hadn't lost a single file.

mrmessiah10 karma

Best wishes for recovery to your wife, do you know her prognosis for recovery at all? Cos I know it can vary wildly, I had this condition in my teens though was lucky enough to not need assisted breathing and was walking in a year and a half.

Good on you for doing this AmA, it's one of those conditions that's rare enough that no-one's really heard of it (though you'll see it come up all the time in House MD differentials!) but once you've encountered it you meet people who know someone who knows someone who had it.

mrmessiah2 karma

I had GBS when I was about the same age as you the first time - no breathing involvement, just limbs and I was pretty much back to normal in a year. My doctors said on my last checkup "at least now you can relax and know that you won't get it again. If you get it again it means it's something different like CIDP". Not being funny, but are they sure it was GBS both times?

If so, I mean, wow. It's a rare enough condition to get once anyway (though I bet you've come across plenty of people since who know someone who had it, right? I know I did :) ) To get it twice is crazily bad luck. Hope you're fine for the future!

mrmessiah2 karma

He wanted everyone to know about and appreciate fractals. So he was thrilled when fractals went viral in the 90s.

Always wondered about this, that's good to know.