Highest Rated Comments

mrmyxlplyx15 karma

I just wanted to say that I stopped by to read some of your responses and they are so lifelike.

mrmyxlplyx5 karma

I know. But, to be honest, I don't know a thing about you other than the gif of you that's been circulating for a few years and that you're the host of a couple of tech shows. I did come here to read the comments, but don't have anything to add other than punny comments.

Congratulations on your successes.

mrmyxlplyx3 karma


mrmyxlplyx2 karma

Not as easy as it sounds. For starters, he's on the other side of the country. Secondly, he has a manipulative personality and can be very convincing when he wants to be. At this point I have to trust the staff at the facility and wait.

mrmyxlplyx2 karma

I've always been a proponent of putting all the funding used for campaigns into a single pot. All valid campaigns would have an equal share of the pie. The issue is, how do you validate (in invalidate) a campaign?