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msm00833 karma

But would you steal a car?

msm0088 karma

If you could choose to save only 2 species(animal, plant, fungus, etc.) from an inevitable termination and get an ice cream, which would be the species and the ice cream?

msm0084 karma

What do you guys think about punk and all its variants nowadays, any specific one that you guys are interested in? (e.g. modern post-hardcore and what's new with it, the same for modern pop punk, heck, the same for punk rock itself) Also, any bands that you guys have been listening to a lot?

And lastly, not related to any question, but thank you guys for creating amazing music, I absolutely adore your debut(among my favorites) and I also really like I Don't Want To Grow Up, Everything Sucks, All and Cool To Be You. Hope that whenever you can release some new material it's on that level, because if it is, I'm going to love it.