Highest Rated Comments

murderbunny739 karma

I don't really have any questions, but I want to thank you both from the bottom of my heart for saving me on two separate occasions.

Neil - One night, due to a lot of problems I was having, I was contemplating going home and offing myself, and I was leaving a friend's house, and he handed me Death: The High Cost of Living, telling me I HAD to read it, but to make sure I brought it home to him the next day. I took it and went home, decided to read it before doing anything else, and I loved it so much that I read it about three times in a row, then went to sleep without doing anything stupid.

Amanda - I came out as trans last year, and your song In My Mind was the first song I listened to the day after coming out. I was dealing with a lot of turmoil about everything, with my wife, regarding the future, etc. and when I listened to the song, I felt perfect. I felt like I was finally the person that I was meant to be. So thank you for that. :)

You two are amazing, and I adore you both.

murderbunny133 karma

Thank you, Neil. :)

murderbunny89 karma

That song WRECKS me. It's brutal and beautiful.

murderbunny79 karma

Awwww, lol. People still think it's going on.

You guys, it's over. It sucked. Move on. :\

murderbunny47 karma

Same here. It was all...

  1. Davey, who are your biggest literary inspirations?
  2. Hunter, what is your most memorable show experience ever?
  3. What is everyone's favorite brand of chips?
  4. If you could travel to any place, any time, where and when would it be?

and the answer was like "pringles"