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mychickenlady2 karma

This is why I stay off of the forums. People can be just so mean!

mychickenlady2 karma

Might not be a hen! But sometimes the 'alpha" hen in the coop will try to take over as a top hen. Even trying to mate with other hens... I don't want to go there! Keep looking at the hen.. It could be a rooster. If it is a hen, likely it won't lay eggs as proficiently as the other hens even if at all...

mychickenlady2 karma

Well, first get some chickens....make sure they are healthy and laying eggs.... then check your zoning laws.. either go "undercover" and sell eggs for cash... or go get registered with the USDA or local agricultural extension office and take your certification ("Hi I am here from the government and here to help...")

If you sell at local farmers markets (depending on your state) you may have to have a $1 millions dollar insurance liability policy.. plus be ready for government "inspections" and monitoring of your flocks... up to you...

Sell eggs on Craigs list, put up signs... If you are serious about starting a business. I can advise. Contact me via website.

mychickenlady2 karma

the WORLD is also changing on this issue. Good for you! I am whole heartily behind more humane conditions for chickens and cows!!!! and REAL changes in the laws of agriculture to care for animals. All of them. The greedy corporations CEO's and CFO's should be put in a box for a few hours to see how they feel... (wish it would happen) Maybe the owners of the large companies should be made to actual tour their companies!!!! I do not know even if they do. Also: look at food waste:


People with chickens should look at starting community coops to cut down on TONS of food waste!


mychickenlady-3 karma

Any money earned goes right back into my business..(most of it) and the chickens! There CAN be a lot of money made if done right. There is a steep learning curve with poultry for the 1st few years. No one taught me anything and the most of the information posted on the forums can be helpful... but the worst information that I ever got was from reading forums for backyard chickens. (There are a lot of knowledgeable folks) Be careful just doing something on a large scale without finding out who or what wrote the information. Some folks may have 3 - 6 chickens and decide to open a website or start sharing their knowledge with everyone.. trouble is they are new and just have 3 - 6 chickens. I learned the hard way.. on my own making many mistakes before I got it right..