Highest Rated Comments

mycure24 karma

Interestingly, we got this feedback a lot but do not exactly understand why people compare us to Pied Piper :)

mycure16 karma

Wow, interesting though broad first question. I'd say that in the future everything will be about computer science: how we regulate traffic, how we optimize the energy consumption of buildings or even how we program living organisms to perform a specific task being heal your body or sanitize water. One cannot even imagine the possibilities even though some companies have the vision to go always further, the Google, SpaceX, Tesla etc.

In the future every child will know how to code. Not knowing how to code in the 21st century is basically the same as not knowing how to read in the 20th.

mycure15 karma

Thanks for the details guys :) Indeed, we know it comes from Silicon Valley. We just didn't get the comparison between compression and file transfer.

To be honest, I have not watched it yet. Waiting for all the episodes to come out.

mycure11 karma

Soon. My guys are reading now :) I'm sure they'll notice. It's coming! Both through command-line tools and a GUI (which is actually already working).

Which one would you like more: command-line tools or GUI?

mycure11 karma

Good question :) We could indeed provide advanced features, especially to businesses such as an LDAP integration, company-specific search, branded webpage for downloading etc.

But this is not the focus right now!