Highest Rated Comments

myeyeballhurts108 karma

Hi Damien - Thank you so much for doing this! I have been a long time supporter (since '98), I hosted several benefit shows here in Oklahoma and did a lot to get the word out about the case (my son and I even drove to Little Rock for the supreme court hearing). No real question, just want to say how happy I am that all of the work that everyone did actually worked. You are an inspiration to me personally and I hope you are enjoying life to the fullest!

myeyeballhurts31 karma

Do you have any truly funny stories, like someone who claims they cant walk and then you caught them running a marathon? My husbands ex wife (this was like 6 -7 years ago) got "hurt" at work, her back and shoulder, something like that, claimed she couldnt work anymore and tried to sue and get workmans comp, all that stuff, the insurance company hired a PI and caught her at a bar riding a mechanical bull.

myeyeballhurts5 karma

My SAD hits me really bad in late summer, early fall (as diagnosed by Dr), I have been hospitalized twice in my life, both around the same time, is there a reason why SAD effects some people at different times of the year?

myeyeballhurts5 karma

Watch the documentary "King Corn" it went all into that. I cant remember the exact numbers,but it said that Wal-Mart would lose, I want to say 50% of its grocery revenues if any sweeping food stamp changes were made.

myeyeballhurts3 karma

My husband and I also met on OKC, been together for almost 4 years (married for 2). Thank You! Guess I have to ask a question though, hmmmm, is match.com stat about like 1 in 4 marriages happen because of online dating true?