Highest Rated Comments

nDQ9UeOr387 karma

Coming from Fuzhou they're probably just happy to be in a place where they heat the buildings in the winter.

nDQ9UeOr32 karma

Also stage IV CC here. I never had any bleeding, first indication was elevated liver enzymes showing up in blood work during a routine physical. Already metastasized by then, of course.

nDQ9UeOr28 karma

NUUN is good stuff, tasty too.

nDQ9UeOr25 karma

Xeloda/Avastin on a two week on/one week off cycle, everything mostly steady state for a couple years and side effects are relatively easy to manage. The cancer is also present in some lymph nodes, so probably a different path than yours. Interesting to read about the pump you have, hadn't heard of that before.

Sending positive thoughts your way, brother/sister.

nDQ9UeOr17 karma

Not OP, but I have stage IV colon cancer and I look and mostly feel totally healthy right now. You wouldn't know anything is wrong just by looking at me. The chemo I'm on doesn't even cause hair loss.

The only physical discomfort is peripheral neuropathy caused by one of the chemo drugs. There is fatigue that can be pretty bad, of course, and there was pain when I had a resection of the colon and some when I got my port, but from the cancer itself nothing. So far.

Doctors are very quick to offer me morphine, though. I worry that the pain is coming but I don't dwell on it.