Highest Rated Comments

nahtanoj13 karma

Yes, that is the correct terminology.

I always thought that the lower work incentive argument against a NIT was debunked? Would the lower work incentive keep a significant number of people from seeking better work?

Since you favour a UBI, what should the benefit level be set at (in Canada) and how would it be paid for? As I understand it, the social benefit system in the US is much larger and more wasteful than our equivalent systems here. It seems like it would be much easier to find the savings to pay for it in the US.

nahtanoj13 karma

Hi Mr. Dolan,

I am in Canada, and the idea of a basic income is gaining traction among some people here.

I am intrigued by the idea, but something like a basic income does not seem possible, just from a pure numbers perspective. I could see a guaranteed minimum income working, but not a basic income.

Which option, between a guaranteed minimum or a basic income, would be better suited to Canada and why?

What would the approximate cost of each be compared to Canada's existing social programs?

nahtanoj12 karma

Thanks for all your replies. I will enjoy reading your blog when I am home. I would very much like to support something like this, but I cannot due to a lack of evidence that it would work here.

To finance a $20k UBI for all Canadian citizens would cost an amount equal to >50% of our GDP. This amount dwarfs our total tax revenue.

nahtanoj11 karma

I will read them!

Are you able to answer my questions regarding the revenue needed to fund such a program?