Highest Rated Comments

nascargo1932 karma

First of all, congrats on the 20th place finish, and amazing job on that run you had with about 20 to go when you were up in the top 5! You had me really excited for a while! I also want to mention that I have been a fan of yours even before the whole Dogecar thing and I have picked up a few diecasts of your JRM days. Air Hogs Autographed (thank you!) car was bought early 2013, smaller cars were bought just a couple weeks ago, and I will certainly try to pickup Dogecar in both scales if I can get some extra money soon. Picture below of those cars.


Now for questions.

  1. Besides Dogecar, what is your favorite paint scheme you have ran?
  2. If you were not racing, what do you think you would be doing for money?
  3. What was the reaction that other drivers gave you about your paint scheme?
  4. To add on to #3, did the Doge on the rear end distract anyone?
  5. When you made your green flag pit stop, did you figure there was going to be other people pitting with you? I know pitting by yourself at Talladega is typically not something a driver wants, but why did you do it?
  6. What’s it like knowing that Dogecoin has brought some new fans into the sport? Back when the idea was introduced, did you ever think it would have the impact that it did?
  7. What was working with Dale Jr. like back in 2011? Did he ever give you any tips that you still use today?
  8. What kind of music do you listen to?
  9. Pretend one of your hands was amputated and the only option for a replacement was either a lobster claw or an octopus tentacle. Which do you choose?
  10. When the season started, did you ever expect to have a chance to beat Danica in the Sprint All Star fan vote?

nascargo1929 karma

Hey Josh Wise! Congrats on sponsorship! Before the question, I just wanna say that I bought your autographed Airhogs #7 car from a while back. Great car, and I hope this Dogecoin car gets made into a diecast! I also wanna say you did a great job at Bristol a few days ago!


  1. How does it feel knowing you're not in a very competitive ride? I can't imagine riding around in a 20th place car on a good day is very exciting. Is it stressful knowing you only have a chance at victory 4 weeks of the year?

  2. What is your favorite track?

  3. Who is your favorite person to race against?

  4. What people inspired you to become a race car driver?

  5. Have you ever considered other forms of auto racing?

  6. If you could race against any person in history, who would it be and why?

  7. What is your favorite paint scheme you have ran?

  8. If you were not racing, what do you think you would be doing for money?

nascargo194 karma

Hey Casey, you've done some pretty nice things in that #13 car!

  1. What is your favorite paint scheme you have ran?
  2. How much of a surprise was it when Ambrose gave you the black eye?
  3. If you had 5 minutes with the NASCAR rule book, what would you change?

nascargo192 karma

Hey dude! Really like your videos. Showed them to a few family members and they enjoyed them just as much.

  1. Voice wise, which has been the hardest style to make?
  2. What do you do to go from your voice to the styles voice?
  3. How do you get the backing instruments for the styles?
  4. Probably goes along with 3, but does the rest of your band help you with your video?
  5. Not really a question here, but I'd love to see a GNR and a Shinedown style soon.

nascargo191 karma

More of a NASCAR fan, but also watch Indycar races when I can.

What did you guys think of Kurt Busch running the Indy 500? Surely you both saw him on track. Even though it was his first Indycar race, how do you think he compared to those of you that have been racing for years?