Highest Rated Comments

nerak1138633 karma

Dear Nichelle, thank you so much for doing this AMA. I grew up watching Star Trek with my father, who used it to teach me about racism and gender equality (not just in the actual stories, but also the behind-the-scenes stuff, like Dr. King asking you to stay on the show). You've been a hero of mine for almost my entire life. My question for you is, who was your hero, or who were your heroes, when you were a child?

nerak113823 karma

Journalism fail.

nerak11382 karma

Hi Laura. Great piece. How did you convince your editor/newspaper to pay for DNA testing?

nerak11381 karma

I hear magpies are very smart. Has Sophie ever done anything that surprised or amazed you?

nerak11381 karma

Hi Juliette! Thanks for doing this AMA. I loved your work in many things, but two that especially stick out to me are "The Other Sister" and "Strange Days." My question for you is, is there a talent you discovered about yourself or a skill that you learned for a part that you were particularly proud of?