Highest Rated Comments

netherwarper57 karma

First off I'd like you to know you are not alone. It is such a horrible horrible thing that was going on but hey in a good light at least you never had children with this man! I would really like to ask you, how long was the marriage/dating, did you ever question some of the things he did? Or even think maybe he was cheating rather than doing something like that? I'm sorry its such a sensitive topic and I hope I have not come off as offensive in any way I am just curious :)

netherwarper3 karma

Thankyou so much! I feel like such a coward alone, but with a group like you my voice canbe heard too!I'd love more info on cities you are coming too,etc!

netherwarper2 karma

thats so awesome d magic!

netherwarper2 karma

You are fantastic, I just have to tell you this!Team America was great!

netherwarper1 karma

Thankyou sir for everything you have fought so hard for. You are my hero.

What was your most memorable story?Of sadness,heroicness,etc anything that really stuck out to you.

What advise do you have to offer as someone who has been around for 90 years, anything you'd like to tidbit us in on having been around so long?