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newborngreenbaby1 karma

Wow you are very brave and strong! Just a few quick question, well maybe not a quick one to answer but was wondering this as soon as I read about your gallbladder and pancreas removed. I know the gallbladder is pretty easy to live without but, what kind of side effects can you expect without a pancreas. Are you going to have to take insulin for the rest of your life? Are you now at a higher risk for diabetes? I hope you recover quickly and fully. Great job on kicking that cancer’s ass!

newborngreenbaby1 karma

Haha thanks! Maybe it has to do with the fact that when you are living with an illness everyday it kinda becomes the norm and so when we see or hear about other people that have health issues we see how much it actually affects their lives. I think the anxiety about having a seizure in a random unfamiliar place is actually worse than actually having a seizure. It really sucks knowing you could basically go unconscious at any moment with little to no warning. My seizures themselves last only about 10 minutes (although the ensuing headache and usual bad tongue bite last longer). I just look at it with the perspective that things could always be worse.

newborngreenbaby1 karma

No problem. Thanks for replying. Man that’s rough. Seems like you have a real positive outlook though which is awesome! I know what it’s like to live with an affliction after surgery, though not as serious as yours of course. Had brain surgery 6 years ago to remove a huge blood clot that was making me go blind and causing seizures just about everyday. But I still have seizures, vision problems, other health issues and I have to take multiple different meds for the rest of my life. But, could be way worse right? Lol. Good luck with everything 👍