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niagaraphotos6 karma

You've done some pretty impressive things over your career, did you ever imagine inventing the Super Soaker would be your magnum opus and loved by generations of children?

niagaraphotos2 karma


Yep, about 40,000 people.

I've been there for work, it looks a lot like ... Iowa but a little more crowded. :)

niagaraphotos2 karma

It is popular, especially during big games but nothing like what I've seen in US cities for football. To give you an idea, Buffalo is 250,000 people and they have the Sabers. Hamilton is almost million and doesn't have a team. The closest team to millions of Canadians east of Quebec City is Boston.

So yeah, during a big game we all get behind it but it's nothing compared to NASCAR, football or basketball in the US.

niagaraphotos2 karma

Montreal ... the city had massive construction in the late 60's for a few major international events. It's been 40 years and the miracle material "concrete" that everything was build out of is crumbling (literally collapsing on people) so it's just a nasty end of life situation all at once.

Doug Ford ... the last government was an extremely left leaning socialist version of a liberal party. The were in power for 15(ish) years, so people just got tired of them, but also they put forward a disliked leader and competed with an even further left party. Basically voter boredom, and wanting a new face.

Ottawa .. love it. It's nicer than Toronto to me. Less busy, smaller, cuter. People tend to describe it as boring, but that's partially because it's so close to Montreal. If you're comparing anything to Montreal it seems dull.

niagaraphotos2 karma

It's small enough that they might have a fighting chance, but as far as good/bad? No, our military is made up of career soldiers. They tend to prove themselves effective when they're deployed.