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nodalanalysis2 karma

Would we, within our lifetime, be able to stop aging and live much longer, or are most of us going to die at whatever the average life expectancy is at the moment?

nodalanalysis2 karma

Are you guys scared of never being able to return?

nodalanalysis2 karma

Are you guys scared of not being able to leave?

nodalanalysis1 karma

I've watched documentaries of people who live liek this on purpose because it brings them a sense of peace.
Is that what you are doing, or are you doing it for some other reason?
Do you ever see yourself moving to a more populated area?

nodalanalysis1 karma

How much of your input goes into stuff like album covers and music videos?
What is your routine for getting inspiration while making art for music?
Sometimes I would stare at album covers while I listen to the music because it always seems to "fit" so well. Same with the general theme of the music.
Being that the artwork always fits the music so well (most of the time), I'm always curious as to just how much input and collaboration comes from the musicians. I wonder if there are iterations, and if they have to continually tell you how they "feel" in order to get the final result.

Also, what I meant by "routine" was stuff like: do you listen to the music a ton of times beforehand, do they give you general "themes' to work with, and/or how else do you "match what you are doing to the song?