Highest Rated Comments

nomelonnolemon147 karma

For science

nomelonnolemon10 karma

Seems to good to be true :/ the account was just made. I want to believe!!

Edit: ok for the few believers still out there I mean it was made after his twitter post and would it not have been made at least a few hours ago so he would be ready to converse instead of going through the motions of creating an account? Also mr Jackson has been confirmed in another post he's doing for charity. I don't think he would take away from that with this garbage.

nomelonnolemon8 karma

This is a great AMA and I don't think any mature person sees what you are doing as any sort of cash grab. Thanks for doing it and for the charity endeavour as well :)

nomelonnolemon4 karma

Don't feed into this posers fraud, saying mother fucker a whole bunch and not giving any real content in responses is pretty lame, even if it was him. We deserve better!

Edit: your edit redeems you, have an upvote