Highest Rated Comments

noprotein96 karma

BANANARCHY = somewhat clever amalgamation of "banana" and "anarchy" ;)

noprotein8 karma

Eh, that was a lame clip. It's still quite the good show, although no one ever dies or loses so it's a light con show but still, very good overall. I loved the style and think it influenced Mad Men in a way as well as others.

noprotein1 karma

I'm so glad to have participated in many events and activities along with Rootstrikers campaigns and love that the new site is going live. Along with many others, our major worry or source of frustration is this:

How do we get the large majority of our voting public onto a similar page once again with where we are today as a society? We need to unionize, get money out of politics, break away from TV/media/celebrity and stupid crap to get back to our roots and a working country. I know you're one of the most qualified to share your views on how we can come together now in 2013 after Occupy and other groundswells have failed to garnish enough support to cause a real change.

Thanks for everything, you're the man!

noprotein1 karma

Thanks for that, I appreciate the response and all that you do to generate awareness and provide some foundation for change.

I hope everything goes great!