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noshurtafi77 karma

Tort Reform is a law that puts a cap on medical malpractice law suits. Basically, the most you can get in Texas is $250,000. Which sounds like a LOT of money, but not to a lawyer. They will only see a small percent of that. Since it's all about the bottom line (they strait up told me this) it's not worth it to them. They can make more money taking on a different case. I tried, spoke with several firms but ultimately no one would take the case.

noshurtafi68 karma

Total Rectal

noshurtafi37 karma

While he was cutting out the tumor, he removed it. If you read through the notes it essentially says, he thought he was removing the tumor but as the anatomy became clear he realized it was actually my cervix and he had no choice but to complete the hysterectomy. I'm 33 now, at the time I was 29.

noshurtafi31 karma

I had endometriosis, which is not a life threatening condition and could have been managed with medication (birth control or other hormone treatments) and I would have likely been able to save my fertility since my uterus and ovaries were healthy.

noshurtafi30 karma

I agree! The colon cancer misdiagnosis set into motion the whole chain of events. They were in there aggressively, because they thought it was life threatening. I am absolutely worse off than before surgery.