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notquitenerdcore41 karma

Yeah, I'm honestly kind of crushed by this. It sounds like she really hated her body beforehand, and while I'm glad people have the agency to change their bodies to be how they want them to be, I can't help but feel pretty awful about the things people are saying about smaller breasts (like mine). I like my boobs, and they're smaller than hers were.

notquitenerdcore6 karma

Oh my gosh, that's awful. No, I do not feel bad when I don't fill out my bra, and I do not feel like anthing is missing! There is nothing wrong with having small boobs, why do you insist on insulting smaller breasted women? My problem is that you keep saying things like ' This is just my opinion' and the turning around and saying everyone who has small boobs must feel the way you do. No, I don't feel like I'm missing anything, I don't feel terrible when I bend over, why do you keep saying everyone feels like that.

notquitenerdcore6 karma

I'm sorry it felt like I was yelling, I'm really not trying to be provocative here. I think a better phrasing would have been that the pre op boobs made you feel sad, or made you feel like they weren't what they were supposed to be. By saying that they were sad, and weren't what they were supposed to be, you take it from a personsal opinion and experience that is just as valid as anyone else's, to a general and rather harmful statement about breasts in general. I know this sounds nitpicky, but I really believe that stuff matters, the former can empower women about their agency over their own bodies, while the latter could make them feel guilty for liking themselves, or inspire self hate. Edit: spelling

notquitenerdcore6 karma

You specifically described the post op as how boobs 'should be'. You used those specific words. And I don't see the parallel with children. I fully support a woman's right to choose what she does with her body, including having children or not, and changing it so that she's happier with it. I think it's amazing that you were able to do this for yourself. I just think some of the language you used to describe it might be hurtful to other women who are happy with theirs. You described it as if it's the definitive way to be, rather than a personal decision you made.

notquitenerdcore3 karma

I really don't understand this mindset. It's rather mean to call someone insecure. I felt badly because she was insulting me and everyone else who like our small boobs. If I was insecure and disliked them, I would agree with her. My whole point is that everyone who has small boobs should not feel bad. Also, you're making that same assumption, that I must be insecure because my boobs are less than for being smallet.