Highest Rated Comments

noxiousd3 karma

Are there any plans to add items that protect more from zombie bites, such as the Magazine+ductape idea from World War Z?

noxiousd3 karma

are there any plans to allow things to go underground? bomb shelters, basements, trenches, tunnels etc?

noxiousd1 karma

any plans to incorporate the various mods available into the full game? The overgrowth mod in particular is fantastic. Also the map from Ringo, is that going to be available to add to the current map?

noxiousd1 karma

Not sure if theres a limit on questions so here goes, its incredibly dark on a night time in MP, any plans for floodlights and/or generators to power things? Perhaps you need to scavenge gasoline to power them? And more Spiffo items please :)

noxiousd0 karma

Can you please tell us whatever happened to the build of the MOD with Dogs on (specifically whether dogs are still in future plans), and also where Utes disappeared to, in an earlier standalone build it was on the coast.