Highest Rated Comments

nycdk10 karma

How apparent was the sense at the time that NP was going to be such a big deal? Did the cast think of it more as just a cool, small project?

nycdk1 karma

in which country did you feel the most at danger? where did you feel safest?

what did you do when you didn't know the mother tongue of whatever country you were in ?

nycdk1 karma

I'm unsure about what "overnight" means - like you stayed a night in that country before moving on?

I'm from Panama - what did you think of it?

nycdk1 karma

What was the planning process like? Do you primarily only film documentaries or do you also make short films of more creative nature? What was the biggest difference between the two for you? What equipment did you primarily use?

nycdk1 karma

I'm glad you've got some love for the PABT bathrooms. Once I had a really bad, stale calzone and had a choice between the bathroom on the lower floor - aka junkie central, first stall had throwup all over the seat - or the toilet on the bus. I chose to use the bus and get tossed around on the highway.