Highest Rated Comments

oceanbluesky44 karma

Do you like NASA Watch, even if they are borderline crankish and pathologically short fused?

oceanbluesky17 karma

you're being a good sport about all this : )

(hope you get a laugh about being able to downvote provocative questions ; ) I am burning so much karma asking them it's ridiculous! : )

oceanbluesky4 karma

Please restore his comments. Worse than misinformed personal insults - which are common to this topic in the space-advocacy community, they need to be aired - is censorship by moderators, who may not appreciate the very real impact such mistaken views have on national space policy. Censorship makes the situation worse.

oceanbluesky3 karma

Hi Peter, thank you for this AMA, wondering if you have more to add about Mars to Stay mission architectures...this has been one of my favorite quotes of yours:

“I think privately funded missions are the only way to go to Mars with humans because I think the best way to go is on “one-way” colonization flights and no government will likely sanction such a risk. The timing for this could well be within the next 20 years. It will fall within the hands of a small group of tech billionaires who view such missions as the way to leave their mark on humanity.”

Thank you

oceanbluesky3 karma

lol, I linked the the wiki article on Red Dragons in that post above...Musk speaks of designing propulsive landers with methane engines [link so you can see it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raptor_(rocket_engine) ] designed specifically for propulsive landing on Mars (and Earth-return).

All "Red Dragon" info is only conceptual...of course dragons will undergo many iterations (google dragon v2)...point is: does Lockheed have plans to evolve an Orion for propulsive landing?...on Mars? that's the question here...)