Highest Rated Comments

odix428 karma

elaborate while I grab my popcorn

odix43 karma

It's shit that were limited to.the crappy jobs though. I want to have a normal career just like everyone else, instead I'm stuck doing construction cause I screwed up when I was 18. And I can code in a few languages pretty skillfully, enough to warrant my foot in the door. Yet my conviction holds me back from having a normal career and life. I'm 29 now.

odix11 karma

I am in the same situation, violent felony qhen i was 18 for self defense. Getting a job is horrible and my dream of becoming a doctor went up in smoke. In todays digital age, it is merely impossible to lead a normal, fair life. I am branded forever and can not even defend myself with a gun if I needed to. I feel your pain. It is not right and I myself have written my senator (mr reid) to try and get a pardon. It's just not right after ten years I still don't have a fair chance at life. I consider myself above average intelligence and I couldn't even get a job coding python hwre at Zappos cause of something that happened ten years ago. Have not been charged with anytjingr since. I completed probation with honors (5 year sentence, completed.in 3 for good behavior) and in my state have to wait 15 years from the time of probation completion, not crime, to even apply to get it sealed. That would make me 37 years old. I proposed a type of grievance for offenders aged 18-21(in my eyes your still not an adult til about 22) to maybe get additional privileges to get it sealed sooner. I will forever be at a disadvantage and will not have the same chances as everyone else cause of this charge. Some things are just not fair. (please excuse grammatical errors i typed this on my android) - signed, someone who knows your pain.

odix10 karma

Were there any scary instances with the street performers or just anyone in general? Did anybody try and nab your equipment?

odix6 karma

My body can't handle it. And that's only the top tier construction with union wages or something similar. Most construction workers make substancially less. But more importantly why am I limited to construction.