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of_the_brocean42 karma

If you were to eliminate the electoral college, what would stop presidential candidates from only campaigning or caring about cities with high populations?

of_the_brocean6 karma

Probably the calculation that you'll still want to spend some time, albeit less, targeting sparsely populated regions for more rarely petitioned voters.

I consider this whole argument for the electoral college a bit poor for two reasons:

  1. The EC ends up dictating that presidential candidates only consider swing states for the major focus of their campaign. Does any candidate spend any serious time campaigning in Montana or Rhode Island?
  2. It's not unreasonable that a more densely populated area gets more visits than one that is sparsely populated. Despite the fact that I live in a big town/small city, I have no problem with 20 million people getting 20 visits where 2 million get 2.

I guess I'm not worried about the campaigning so much as the politician under-serving the population of an area after election because he can afford to lose those votes. Why concern yourself about anything Montana requests federally if you know it's not likely to impact your chances in re election?

of_the_brocean5 karma

Brattleboro sucks ass. Come to the Burlington area.

of_the_brocean3 karma

How did you prepare for top shot? What advice can you give to a new pistol shooter? If one would like to participate in top shot, how would one begin? How much is long range marksmanship emphasized? I am a younger F class shooters but it seems as though some of the stuff you guys do is outside my wheelhouse.

of_the_brocean3 karma

Yeah, what worked in Australia would never work in the US though. Far too costly.