Highest Rated Comments

offdachain52 karma

Wow, that radiation tolerance is really interesting. Do you have any links to those articles? I wonder if that means people can develop a tolerance to other radiation, or maybe even carcinogens. This subject seems very interesting.

offdachain22 karma

I doubt it wouldn't decrease lifespan. Even with a tolerance, the human body isn't suppose to be exposed to long term radiation *of that level.

That first theory does make a lot of sense, but I've also seen one saying it's basically evolution on a cellular level. The at first cells die off, but some cells have their own tolerance. These cells live on to replicate, and eventually you get a body full of cells with this resistance. Survival of the fittest. It is similar to what you said, but it's a little bit of a different road.

I always heard the human body was good at adapting to harsh environments, but the fact people can develop a tolerance to radiation just amazes me.

*edited for clarity

offdachain14 karma

What is one thing you dislike about voice acting that you wish was diffrent?

offdachain6 karma

In theory you could test the local's cells when exposed to certain levels of radiation and see if it is the cells resistance to the radiation or if it is something else. On that scale you could get a pretty large sample size just from some cheek swabs. I'm not quite sure how you'd be able to test the theory you stated.

And that statistic you gave is pretty interesting. Do you know how much radiation those employees are exposed to versus normal levels?

offdachain4 karma

I'm curious how the first conversation about this went down.

"Hey Jim, you know what we should do?"

"The fuck do you want, Humpy?"

"Ya know the humble bundle, that thing were you get games for donating to charity?"

"Of course, I just donated in one last week"

"We should do that... With porn"

"Fucking genius, pun intended"