Highest Rated Comments

ofthisworld39 karma

This. And posthumous thanks to Dr. Sagan for helping to peel the veil of religion from my eyes.

ofthisworld5 karma

facepalm I know, I know. Troll on, I suppose.

But, are you serious? Do you have any idea who this woman is and what she and her husband represent to so many people? Wow.

ofthisworld4 karma

Thank you. You represent humanity at it's core and best: the ability to learn at an incredible pace, and move that knowledge forward generation after generation. I hope your daughter grows to help fill a void of intelligence and honor in this cynical world.

A million upvotes for you, sir.

ofthisworld3 karma

See, this is part of the problem here, exactly. I get that reddit sees a lot of trolling abuse, but this question is a perfectly valid one for the uninformed to ask! Why hide it away? I want people to see how baseless this claim is. :(

ofthisworld3 karma

Hi Sean,

thanks for helping to put climbing on the map. As someone who's been climbing for over a decade, but stuck in the flat swamp-lands of Houston for the past 4 years, I've regularly been making my way to Austin for decent outdoor routes, and will be moving there within a month to pursue it further. I'm excited to watch pros like you in action because it helps me understand the limitations (or lack thereof) of the human physique.

Before I die, as reddit is my witness I will finish a 5.14.