Highest Rated Comments

ohceedee124 karma

Thanks to this comment I was sitting here googling "Randy Newman insane, Randy Newman crazy, Randy Newman drug overdose" with nothing coming up.

ohceedee30 karma

Can we see a picture of your hair at home?

ohceedee27 karma

Hello Martin!

You play my favorite character in everything you are in. Freaks and Geeks, Party Down, Silicon Valley. I feel that your acting and humor brings such a unique feel to every team. I also loved your interview with Maron on WTF, and our birthdays are only a day apart!

My question is have you considered creating something on your own in terms of a TV show or movie? If so could you tell us anything about it? I feel that you would be great at it and I would love to see something with your style all over it.

ohceedee15 karma

Hello Mr.Waters!

I recently read that the drunkest you have ever been is when you filmed an episode with Dan Harmon. I gotta know... what were you guys throwing back?

Thanks for doing this ama and I really enjoy the show!

ohceedee5 karma

Dude you MAKE time for Snoop.