Highest Rated Comments

omnirusted183 karma

It would make a lot more sense if they started out fast, then slowed as their body decayed more.


omnirusted5 karma

Wow. When I was 22 it was necessary to get circumcised. The procedure went bad, and afterwards I was forced to walk up stairs, then pee, after 2 stitches had broken, before I was on any pain medication. I tell this story to people all the time to prove to them that there is no amount of pain I can be in without going "Meh, I've had worse." I have actually talked to other men who've had to have this surgery or other surgeries done and the pain we went through during healing, and cried while hugging.

I am humbled by your story. I like to imagine myself quite a badass for experiencing that much pain, and use the memory to withstand further pain. I don't know if I can do that anymore.

I imagine now that, while walking around a dark house at night, if your big toe even thinks about stubbing itself on something, it just goes "Nah man, I don't want to mess with this dude."

omnirusted3 karma

ITT: Blake Irving answers a few questions and ignores the rest. Only one of them is important.

omnirusted1 karma

Wow. I was going to post something like "Where do you get off?" or something similar. Then I saw this post. You've redeemed yourself... for now.

omnirusted1 karma

Thank you so much for this. I bought a 6 year account with GD right before that came out, and have regretted it until just now. Thank you.

I do wish you wouldn't support auctioning websites though. Seriously. It hurts people.